Character Info:
Name: Dizarian
Level: 70
Class: Feral Druid - Tanking specced.
Talents: 0/47/14
Willing to Respec?: I'm willing, yes. If we need healers one night and got tanks, I'll gladly scoot into mah imba healing gear!
Proffessions: I only got Skinning on her at the moment. 375
Attunements(Heroic Keys, Karazhan): Got all of them Heroic keys and Karazhan key.
/Played: 26days, 16hrs etc etc.. >.>
Your Orginal Acc(Y/N): Definately, I pay it mah'self!
Your Standard Gear Link: Will be given soon as Armory is *biiiip* up right now..
Age: I'ma 20 years!
Country: Denmark
Sex(M/F): Female, dun dun!
Do You Know Someone From Undecided in-game or IRL?: I know um.. Silky! *points* and I've grouped with Fí aswell on another character.. Think that's it?
Anything You Like To Add About Yourself?: I'm afraid to say.. I'm addicted to RP! xD
Do You Have Ventrilo 2.1 Installed: No, I don't got it installed.. But won't take me long to do it.
Previous Guilds
Guilds: Correlations, Celestial Defenders.
Why Did You Leave Them?: Both of them disbanded.
Raid Experience: I've done Karazhan a lot of times both on my Druid and other characters, plus I've been to Gruul once or twice.
What Intrested You In Our Guild?: As many others I've heard you're raiding and Silky has talked nicely about it, so I thought I'd give it a try!
Do You Have Any Connection Problem?: Not that I know of, no. Recently got my lagspikes I had fixed.